Monday, September 30, 2019

Ethernet LANs Essay

Ethernet LANs: A collection of devices, including user devices, LAN switches, routers, old hubs, and cables, all of which use IEEE Ethernet standards at the physical and data link layers, so that the devices can send Ethernet frames to each other. 802.3: The name of the original IEEE Ethernet standard, as well as the overall base name of all IEEE Ethernet LAN working committees. Fast Ethernet: The informal name for one particular Ethernet standard, originally defined formally as 802.3u, which was the first Ethernet standard to surpass the original 10-Mbps speed to run at 100 Mbps. Gigabit Ethernet: The informal name for one particular Ethernet standard, defined formally in 802.3z (for fiber) and 802.3ab (for UTP), with a speed of 1 Gbps. Autonegotiation: A process defined by the IEEE so that nodes on the same Ethernet link can exchange messages for the purpose of choosing the best speed and duplex option that both nodes support. Ethernet frame: The bytes of data that flow in an  Et hernet LAN, which begins with the Ethernet header, followed by data (which actually holds headers from other layers as well as end-user data) and ends with the Ethernet trailer. Ethernet LANs deliver Ethernet frames from one Ethernet device to another. MAC address: A data link layer address, 48 bits in length, usually written as 12 hexadecimal digits and used to represent different devices connected to LANs. MAC address table: On a LAN switch, a table of MAC addresses and local switch ports that the switch uses when making its decision of where to forward Ethernet frames that arrive at the switch. Wired LAN: A local-area network (LAN) that uses cables/wires; the word wired refers to the wires inside UTP cables. Wireless LAN: A group of wireless clients, plus one or more wireless access points, with the access points all using a common SSID (wireless LAN name). Star topology: A network topology in which links extend outward from a central node, somewhat like rays of light going out from a star/sun. Ethernet frame: The bytes of data that flow in an Ethernet LAN, which begins with the Ethernet header, followed by data (which actually holds headers from other layers as well as end-user data) and ends with the Ethernet trailer. Ethernet LANs deliver  Ethernet frames from one Ethernet device to another. 10BASE-T: The common name for one of several standards that are part of the IEEE Ethernet 802.3i standard. This standard uses two twisted pairs in a UTP cable, with a bit rate of 10 Mbps. 100BASE-T: A term that refers to all Fast Ethernet standards, including 100BASE-Tx, which refers to the one Fast Ethernet standard that uses two pairs in a UTP cable. 1000BASE-T: A particular Ethernet standard shortcut name, also known by the formal standard 802.3ab, which defines 1000-Mbps (1-Gbps) operation, star topology, using four-pair UTP cabling. 10GBASE-T: A particular Ethernet standard shortcut name, also known by the formal standard 802.3an, that defines 10-Gbps operation, star topology, using four-pair UTP cabling. Metro Ethernet: A type of multiaccess WAN service that uses Ethernet as the physical access link and usually uses an Ethernet switch as the customer site device, with the customer sending Ethernet fra mes from one customer site to the other. Token Ring: An old LAN technology, popularized by IBM and standardized by IEEE as standard 802.5, that competed with Ethernet LANs in the 1980s and 1990s. LAN Edge: A reference to the part of the campus LAN with the end-user devices and the switches to which they connect, through an Ethernet switch or a wireless LAN access point, that contains the largest number of physical links. Wireless-only LAN edge: A campus LAN design term referring to campus LANs with only wireless connections between end-user devices and APs, and no wired Ethernet LAN connections at the edge. Wired/wireless LAN edge: A campus LAN design term referring to campus LANs, with the edge of the LAN having both wireless connections plus wired Ethernet LAN connections. Shorthand name (IEEE): The term for a type of name for IEEE standards. These names begin with a speed, list â€Å"BASE-† in the middle, and end with a suffix, for example, 10BASE-T. Edge switch: In a campus Ethernet LAN design, this term refers to the Ethernet LAN switch to which the end-user devices connect. Duplex: A networking link that allows bits to be sent in both directions. Half duplex: A networking link that allows bits to be sent in both directions, but only one direction at a time. Full duplex: A networking link that allows bits to be sent in both directions and at the same time. Straight-through cable: A UTP cabling pinout in which the wire at pin x on one end of the cable connects to pin x on the other end of the cable.  Crossover cable: A UTP cabling pinout in which the wires in a wire pair connect to different pins on opposite ends so that one node’s send logic connects to the other node’s receive logic. In Ethernet, pins 1,2 connect to 3,6, and pins 4,5 connect to 7,8. Ethernet header: A data structure that an Ethernet node adds in front of data supplied by the next higher layer to create an Ethernet frame. The header holds these important fields: Preamble, SFD, Destination Address, Source Address, and Type. Ethernet trailer: A data structure that an Ethernet node adds after the data supplied by the next higher layer to create an Ethernet frame; the trailer holds one field, the FCS field. Destination MAC address: A field in the Ethernet header that lists the MAC address of the device to which the Ethernet frame should be delivered. Source MAC address: A field in the Ethernet header that lists the MAC address of the device that originally sent the Ethernet frame. Media Access Control: The formal IEEE 802.3 Ethernet term for the data link layer, data-link header, and other data-link features, including addresses. Error detection: In networking, the process by which a node determines whether a received message was changed by the process of sending the data. Ethernet broadcast: A special Ethernet address, FFFF.FFFF.FFFF, used to send frames to all devices in the same Ethernet LAN. Address: Flooding: Part of an Ethernet LAN switch’s forwarding logic in which the switch forwards a frame out all ports, except the port in which the frame arrived. Forwarding: Part of an Ethernet LAN switch’s forwarding logic that refers to the choice a switch makes to take a received frame and send it out a single outgoing port, because the frame has a destination MAC address known to the switch (as listed in the switch’s MAC address table). Learning: Part of an Ethernet switch’s logic related to the forwarding process by which the switch learns MAC addresses and their associated port numbers. Unknown unicast frame: An Ethernet frame with destination MAC address FFFF.FFFF.FFFF. Broadcast frame: From the perspective of a single Ethernet LAN switch, a frame whose destination MAC address is not known to the switch, in that the switch’s MAC address table does not list the frame’s destination MAC address. Known unicast frame: From the perspective of a single Ethernet LAN switch, a frame whose destination MAC address is known to the switch, in that the switch’s MAC address table lists the frame’s  destination MAC address. Universal MAC address: A MAC address assigned to an Ethernet device (NIC, switch port, and so on) by the manufacturer, following rules defined by the IEEE, so that the device’s universal MAC address is unique among all other universal MAC addresses in the universe.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Nazi Propaganda IWA

The Nazi party, or National Socialist German Workers' party of Germany, attempted, and were almost completely successful in wiping out the entire culture of the Jewish, and the population of homosexuals, gypsies, disabled, and Slavic people, all due to his simple dislike of them. In his attempt to obliterate all of the people that he thought weren't worthy of life, his regime and he used several different types of propaganda – in this case, visually, through a poster- to try to brainwash everyone to have the same views as him and support his prosecution of them.Him and his brutal regime tried their hardest to manipulate everyone's opinion of certain groups so that they could achieve his sadistic and horrific goal. In the Anti-Semitic cartoon by Sepal Josef Plank), it appears that an octopus with a Star of David over its head has its tentacles encompassing a globe, seemingly sucking the color off of the globe. The cartoon is presented on a white, grayish background with a cente red globe facing Africa, Europe, and Asia with no color whatsoever.Possessing the globe is a gigantic blue octopus with the Star of David floating above its head with its tentacles wrapped round the globe, seemingly sucking the life and color out of the world. The octopus also appears to be Injecting a black substance, may be toxic, Into the Earth, poisoning it. The strikingly visual and dramatic cartoon, used as Nazi propaganda, Is very easy to comprehend and extremely memorable.The purpose of the poster was an attempt to convince German citizens and other citizens In Europe that the Jewish people are going to ruin all life on Earth and are going to poison the population and anything they touch. The Nazi regime hopes that the poster will give everyone a reality check ND make them realize that exterminating the Jews will better everyone's life and improve the world. The Nazi's believe that the Jewish are nothing but a waste of space and that they're not worthy of being around other kinds and races that are superior to them.The Nan government hopes the audience will support their efforts In persecuting the â€Å"less superior† races and Join In their movement. They hope that people will Join In on the extermination process and make their efforts a lot easier and faster. This Is an extremely effective poster due to the simple colors -gray, black, white and blue- and lack of words, making It understandable for all different ages. Nan propaganda was a huge part In their success -If you can call It that- of getting rid of the â€Å"vermeil† that they thought were In the world.Nazi Propaganda IOWA By champion Nazi Propaganda By definition, anti-Semitic is a person who discriminates against or is prejudiced or also appears to be injecting a black substance, may be toxic, into the Earth, poisoning it. The strikingly visual and dramatic cartoon, used as Nazi propaganda, is very easy to convince German citizens and other citizens in Europe that the Jewish people are period to them. The Nazi government hopes the audience will support their efforts in persecuting the â€Å"less superior† races and Join in their movement.They hope that people will Join in on the extermination process and make their efforts a lot easier and faster. This is an extremely effective poster due to the simple colors -gray, black, white and blue- and lack of words, making it understandable for all different ages. Nazi propaganda was a huge part in their success -if you can call it that- of getting rid of the â€Å"vermin's† that they thought were in the world.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

A Report on Bluetooth Headset

Engineering product is the result of the technological advancements within the electronic domain. Bluetooth headsets are also one of these technological advancements (Abreu, 2015). The aims behind innovation of these kinds of electronic products are to make the usage of these products easier than the conventional usages of technology. This report is elaborating not only the usages but also the pros and cons of Bluetooth headsets with respect to its innovative features that have been developed for easier operation. Headsets are mainly used for hearing operations and Bluetooth headsets are nothing but an advanced version of this electronic element (Glezerman & Twina, 2013). First developed headset was used for only a radio that was designed in 1910. The mass production begins for the development of these headsets within the technological era. Next stages introduce the usages of headsets for the aviation industry (Hu et al., 2013). The pilots used these headsets in order to protect themselves from high ultrasonic sound waves. Plantronics MS-50 is the resulted headset that was designed at that time. After this inventions that changed the entire scenario of use of headsets needed to be innovated more in order to achieve more capability with the technological advancements (Hunt & Jacob, 2012). After this electronic development DSP series was introduced in order to provide more efficient features. After all of these inventions the in the year of 2001 Nokia HDW-1 was developed as the wireless headset (Mozer & Mozer, 2012). This incorporated many of the Bluetooth features in order to make the device more effective and compatible with the usages. This was the first invented Bluetooth headset that was invented for the ease of use. In addition to this, after this invention, in the year of 2003, Nokia again invented another model of Bluetooth headset (Ten Cate et al., 2015). This was named as Nokia HDW-2. This new gadget was exploiting the market in such a way that the users get benefitted from various purposes. According to the researches done on the Bluetooth Headsets, it is found that there are various advantages of these headsets (Abreu, 2015). There are more advantages of this electronic element than its disadvantages. These usages of Bluetooth Headsets are being elaborated in this part of the assignment: Hands free mobile phone usages: This is most effective uses of Bluetooth Headsets are that they can be used in order to make the mobile phone use easier than the conventional process of using this (Glezerman & Twina, 2013).  Ã‚   Wireless usages: In accordance with the above mentioned aspects and usages of mobile headsets, any device that needs hearing operation can be used and operated remotely in order to increase the convenience of the user. Automatic operations: Bluetooth Headsets make the operations easier i.e. it makes the system of using hearing device automotive (Hu et al., 2013). Therefore, all of these usages helps the device to be comfortable with the users and also provides effective features. Calling usages: Bluetooth Headsets can be used for calling purpose (Hunt & Jacob, 2012). Bluetooth headsets can be used in order to make calls in an automotive way that will be providing benefits to the users. There are various pros and cons of using Bluetooth headset within the domain of technological use of it (Mandala et al., 2014). In addition to this, these advantages and disadvantages are being elaborated with respect to its predecessors. These are explained as follows: Convenience of communication: With the help of Bluetooth headsets the convenience of communication is increased. Independent on wires: Bluetooth headsets are not dependent on the wire that makes it more compatible for usage (Mozer & Mozer, 2012). Multiuse facility: There are various elements that are inbuilt within the Bluetooth device and make its compact for usage. Affordable pricing: This electronic good don’t have high pricing and it’s reasonable for the users (Qu Zhang & Kim, 2015). Connecting feature: This electronic device is providing the highly efficient connecting feature to the users and with the help of this device any user can easily connect with their mobile phones and laptops that make it more compatible for being used (Ten Cate et al., 2015). Similar functionalities with other Bluetooth devices: In contrast with this aspect, the Bluetooth devices have certain features that are almost same for the Bluetooth headset also. This feature makes these devices more compatible for being use as a popular electronic device (Abreu, 2015). In spite of various pros there are various cons of Bluetooth headsets. All of these cons are being elaborated in this part of the report: Pricing: Most highly efficient Bluetooth headsets are not affordable; they have high range of price. Lower timber: This is most disadvantageous feature of Bluetooth headset (Glezerman & Twina, 2013). For having lower timber most of the music doesn’t use wireless Bluetooth headsets. Mono output feature: In contrast with the above disadvantages of Bluetooth headsets, these are available as the mono output (Hunt & Jacob, 2012). This aspect makes it less compatible. This characteristic creates problem for people who has hearing problems. Bluetooth Headsets are one of the most effective electronic devices that are manufactured or invented in order to reduce the effort and to make the operations easy. In this report, several usages, pros and cons of Bluetooth Headsets are elaborated. In contrast with these aspects, the history of innovation of Bluetooth Headsets has also been described with proper information in this report. Headsets are one very essential electronic device that is used many technical operations for hearing purposes. Bluetooth headsets are the improvised version of the headsets. With the help of this device, the users can easily make their operations easier. All of the usages mentioned in this report will be providing an overview of the usages of the Bluetooth device in the technical field. These helps in innovating many features of the headsets. Abreu, M. M. (2015).  U.S. Patent Application No. 14/594,118. Glezerman, A., & Twina, Y. (2013).  U.S. Patent No. 8,391,792. Washington, DC: U.S. Patent and Trademark Office. Hu, Z., Deng, X., Wen, H., & Guo, J. (2013). Bluetooth Signal Collector Research and Its Application in Pedestrian Traffic Survey. In  ICTIS 2013: Improving Multimodal Transportation Systems-Information, Safety, and Integration  (pp. 754-759). ASCE. Hunt, S. E., & Jacob, M. (2012).  U.S. Patent Application No. 13/353,145. Mandala, M., Colletti, V., Sacchetto, L., Manganotti, P., Ramat, S., Marcocci, A., & Colletti, L. (2014). Effect of Bluetooth headset and mobile phone electromagnetic fields on the human auditory nerve.  The Laryngoscope,  124(1), 255-259. Mozer, T. F., & Mozer, F. S. (2012).  U.S. Patent No. 8,099,289. Washington, DC: U.S. Patent and Trademark Office. Qu, L., Zhang, R., & Kim, H. (2015). High-Sensitivity Ground Radiation Antenna System Using an Adjacent Slot for Bluetooth Headsets.  IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation,  63(12), 5903-5907.

Friday, September 27, 2019

The Impact of Leadership Styles on the Effectiveness of an Organizatio Assignment

The Impact of Leadership Styles on the Effectiveness of an Organization - Assignment Example The  vision of the organization is to become the premier Arab bank, invest in people, to deliver the world’s best quality products to its customers, to deliver the maximum returns to its shareholders, and benefit all the communities in which their operations took place (Oxford Business Group, 2008, pp.103-104). The bank had faced a lot of challenges but the organizational culture of the bank helped it to maintain its market position. The culture of conservatism and prudence in the National Bank of Kuwait proved to be a key to the success of the organization. The bank has the largest branch network in the country and has total assets of $58 billion. Many foreign firms and blue chip companies having their business in Kuwait has the national bank of Kuwait as their partner (Espinoza, Fayad and Prasad, 2013, pp. 111-112). The organization operates in a region where the political, geopolitical and financial crisis is a very common factor but a prudent, conservative culture, caref ul stewardship, and risk management organizational culture helps the firm to overcome such risks. The founders of the bank were merchants who were basically rich. The leader’s themselves has value for money and has a prudent nature. They strive and work hard for earning this money. The bank even had opened its global operations across London, Singapore and New York in order to provide extensive service to the wealthy clients of the bank and capitalize on the surpluses produced by the oil wealth of Kuwait. The bank has over the time adopted a regionalization and diversification strategy (Wohlers, 1983, pp.54-55). In order to adopt such a strategy the bank has broken down silos between the line and support functions and has transformed into more of a group structure. Commonly the banks do not have a very fun working place. The work culture at NBK is unlike a common bank. NBK has proved to be a receptive place to work, with the help of the open door policy. The open door policy initiates open communication within the work environment of the bank.  

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Cuban Missile Crisis - Political Theory Analysis Essay

Cuban Missile Crisis - Political Theory Analysis - Essay Example sed the tension between the US and the Soviet Union increased to an extent that the US Navy ships opening fire and engaging in warning shots as a way of calming down the situation. After the 1945 incident, the US was not ready to permit any nuclear war especially on their ground and it is for this reason that the Kennedy administration decided to play it cool. In October 28, 1962 14 days after the confrontation started, a resolution was reached. The US made a national promise never to attack Cuba secretly and the Cuban administration agreed to dismantle the Soviet Union missiles and ordered them back to USSR base. Moreover, the US decided secretly to dismantle all US built Jupiter IRBMs nuclear weapons that it had deployed in Turkey and Italy in preparation for a war against the Soviet Union. After having summarized this case study, we shall apply specific theories in an attempt to consider the conflict resolution process that may have led to peaceful resolution of the missile crisis considering that this was a very dangerous mission. In this paper, I am going to look at the Cuban missile crisis through the lens of three different theories. The first theory will be about the process approach based on theoretical framework as developed by Zartman and Druckman’s model. The second approach will be the Prospect theory as proposed by Haas and finally the Simple Game theory as developed by Zartman. According to Druckman, international negotiation is a process, which considers various factors such as political affiliations, economic impact, foreign policies and the side effects of the negotiation (Druckman 327). According to Druckman, the process of negotiation begins from a bottom to up process referred to as building a package. Druckman suggest that during the formation... Cuban Missile Crisis has been a subject under serious discussions and studies as many scholars aim at finding out how to apply the principles and theories of conflict resolution that led to the end of a 14-day crisis amongst the world superpowers. From this study, we learned about the process theory, which summarized that conflict resolution is a process that requires negotiation. We considered factors like the mission, aim, strategies, and reference points. We have studied also about the Druckman and Zartman contribution to the Cuban missile crisis. We have also learned about the simple game theory, which is a process that aims at maximizing the outcomes of the negotiations through several considerations. We have also learned about the prospect theory and its application to the Cuban Missile Crisis. The theory is summarized as follows. â€Å"When individuals perceive themselves to be experiencing losses at the time they make a decision, and when their probability estimates associat ed with their principal policy options are in the moderate to high range, they will tend to make excessively risky, non-value-maximizing choices†.

Stakeholders Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Stakeholders - Essay Example This turbulence is caused by the existence and emergence of different groups of people in the business arena all of whom have interest in the business. The business is therefore endowed with the responsibility of serving the interest of the so called, â€Å"stakeholders† in equal measure. This will ensure that they are all satisfied to enable the business operate profitably (Savage 1991). In dealing with the stakeholders strategic management skills come in handy to ensure the corporate objectives are also met. This report has the obligation of finding the appropriate stakeholder approach and the decisions to be made with regards to the stakeholders for the realization of the organization’s goals. Contents Executive summary I. Introduction II. Preble six step process III. Selection and discussion of two important stakeholders IV. Freeman’s Model Approach V. Conclusion References I. Introduction To catch up with the unstable environment facing many U.S. industries and businesses, business executives are required to efficiently and effectively manage all their stakeholders. Stakeholders is a wide term which is used to refer to those individuals, groups, and other organizations who have an interest in the actions of an organization and who have the ability to influence such actions either to the benefit or detriment of the organization (Post, Preston & Sachs 2002). This integrative approach assumes that an effective organization strategy requires consensus from a plurality of key stakeholders about what it should be doing and how these things should be done for the success of the organization. The case also demonstrates that executives should use an overarching strategy to change relationships with stakeholders from less favorable categories such as non-supportive that may be dangerous to the business; to more favorable ones like the mixed blessing who the business really need (Ravindra, Moray & Tom 2003). II. Preble 6-step Stakeholder Manageme nt Process Model Step 1: Stakeholder Identification Stakeholders can broadly be categorized as either primary or secondary stakeholders. Primary stakeholders are those whose continuing participation is required if an organisation is to survive and prosper (Savage 1991). They include the Shareholders, Investors, employees, customers and suppliers. Secondary stakeholders on the other hand are those who influence or affect, or are affected by, the corporation, but are not engaged in direct transactions with it and are not essential for its survival. They include the media, students and academics, unions, socially responsible investor, special interest groups (experts from social and environmental areas relevant to Nestle) and Non-governmental organizations (NGOs), activist groups, environmental organisations, human rights group. We also have Public stakeholders who provide the firm with infrastructure and legal frameworks in which to operate: Governments, community and recipients of co rporate giving and so forth (Preble 2005). Step 2: general nature of stakeholder claims and power implications We start with ownership where; Shareholders have a financial equity stake in the firm, which gives them voting power, economic power in that they can sell their stake and political power which could be exercised at the company’s annual meeting as in the case of a dissident shareholder (Post, Preston &

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

National Womens Law Center Website Review Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

National Womens Law Center Website Review - Essay Example ile reviewing the site and particularly the athletics section I found information on what a healthy school would look like for girls, the rally for Girls’ sports day and information on how to set up sports club funds. These three topics and how I found the information will be shared below in order to help anyone who may require information about Title IX or athletics information. To find the athletics information I have reviewed anyone can visit the National Women’s Law Center website by using Google or their web address: The site is easy to navigate to any section whether it is about child care, education, employment, or any other information the National Women’s Law Center provides. Under Education and Title IX topics such as affirmative action, athletics, career and technical education, pregnant and parenting students, school reform, sexual harassment and single sex education can be located. Arriving at the site all you have to do is click on our issues, education and Title IX, and then athletics. Concentrating on the athletics section I found information detailing how the law protects women and girls in addition to such things as fact sheets. The fact sheet about healthy schools addresses the needs of a school and how to provide a â€Å"successful, safe, and healthy† environment for all students including girls (National Womens Law Center, 2011). The article creates a list of factors that should be considered like girls at risk, foster girls’ athletics, protecting girls from harassment and bullying, and ensuring transparency with parents and community members (National Womens Law Center, 2011). This information is helpful to anyone who wants to enroll their child in an athletics program or experiences trouble in school. In school sometimes girls can feel that athletics departments concentrate more on boys by providing sports boys enjoy more than girls. A recent blog was started to rally for Girls’ sports day, where more emphasis can be

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Taping over uneven ground Lab Report Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 3

Taping over uneven ground - Lab Report Example Given the product’s uniqueness, it is rather difficult to find one made of cheap material and thus the tough nylon cover. Some measuring tapes have temperature affecting them and consequently offer non-accurate results. However, this product is temperature proof. Moreover, the product is very strong and can persevere however kinds of usage in the field. The reinforced crank handle makes it easy to carry around while at work. 3/9 inch blade minimizes wind drift and the weight of the tape. The image above is that of a plumb bob. This equipment is used in the contemporary engineering environment to determine the vertical aspect or rather the vertical properties of a commodity or area. Many people do not understand that this equipment is used not only in the construction field but also in the field to measure the amount of uneven ground at some particular point. There are areas where the level of the ground is too steep to measure with other equipment and the person carrying out the survey has to use these plummet to determine the vertical measure of the particular location (Ceaser 37). In all circumstances, this plumb bob is attached to a string so that the person working on the calculation can measure the angle and consequently offer advice on whether to continue with a project or not with the angle being the basis. There are different kinds of plumb bobs used in the engineering environment depending on the particular engineering field where they are involved. The plu mb bobs present in the image are those of field engineering where they have to be sharp to the point and this is critical to ensure that the centre of gravity remains high on the bob to eliminate false results. The above image is that containing plain marking flags. These flags are very important and not only in this kind of project but for many other engineering endeavors. These flags assist the surveyor or other

Monday, September 23, 2019

Keynse v Friedman Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Keynse v Friedman - Essay Example A weak aggregate demand could cause unemployment to rise and starts a negative cycle of boom and bust in economics. The general thrust of a government whenever there is a threat of recession is to intervene and use fiscal and monetary tools to mitigate the ill effects of a recession. A key recommendation of Keynes during a down economic cycle was stimulus spending by the government by deficit spending which at first glance is counter-intuitive as it requires spending using money that a government does not have in the first place and might cause inflation and devaluation. If his ideas were adopted earlier, it could have made the Great Depression less severe and shorter. Milton Friedman (1912-2006) is a famous American economist in his own right and he won the coveted Nobel Prize in Economics in 1976 for challenging the ideas of Keynes. In particular, he argued there is always a persistent unemployment that government policies can only reduce to a certain extent. The trick, he argues, is give free market capitalism free rein in promoting jobs and thereby increase in the process the level of aggregate consumption or the so-called aggregate demand of Keynesian economics. He denounced Keynesian economics as as socialism with his famous remark that â€Å"there is no such thing as a free lunch.† He sees government intervention as interference of free markets and a dangerous act (Friedman

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Who was responsible for the origins of the Cold War Essay Example for Free

Who was responsible for the origins of the Cold War Essay The breakup of Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR) brought an end to the Cold War with victory for the capitalist countries principally United States. The Cold War did not involve direct confrontation between the two rivals, Soviet Union and United States, and it has always been difficult to claim who was really responsible for setting up the Cold War in motion. Historians on both sides have blamed the other side for starting the Cold War reflecting the antagonisms on both sides. Now that the Cold War has been declared over, we can perhaps look dispassionately on who was responsible for the origin of the Civil War. From a historical perspective the question, who was responsible for the origin of the Cold War is important for historical accuracy. As [MacDonald, 1995] points out that historical accounts and their relative plausibility directly influence social science theories and helps us learn from historical examples and utilize them as illustration and evidence. These questions are the subject of this essay to find who started the Cold War. My thesis is that: 1. The conflicting ideologies of Anglo-American Capitalism and Soviet Communism were the most important cause of the Cold War 2. United States and its Western European Allies were the originator of the Cold War and 3. USSR was forced to match the US measures and to build its own sphere of influence to counter-balance those measures to protect Soviet Union. The theses seems to be biased in favor of Soviet Union but when we analyze the relationship between pre-war Russia and United States and Britain we find that the 2nd World War only brought Russia and United States into an alliance to counter the common enemy, Germany. The lessons Russia learnt from the 2nd World War, with more than 20 million deaths can logically be expected to result in a desire to secure its borders by having friendly countries as buffers. After the end of the 2nd World War the Soviet Union was in no position to enter into competition with United States that had come out of the War relatively unscathed. The development of post War era indicate that the responsibility of originating the Cold War can be put on the shoulders of United States and Britain. The mistakes and misunderstanding generated by both sides only intensified the Cold War that kept the entire World divided into the two camps and has left problems in its wake that are haunting various regions of the world to this day. Economic and strategic rivalries often create disagreement even among allies but the ideological philosophies of both sides Soviet Communism on one side and Anglo-American Capitalism on the other, and the determination on both sides to ensure that their ideologies were protected and flourished only intensified the Cold War. United States and Britain were strong advocates of capitalistic, free-trading liberal democracy and many advocated turning the whole world into their form of capitalist economies. The Soviet Union policy makers also dreamed of seeing Marxist-Leninism spread throughout the world. After the destruction of the 2nd World War, with their economy and infrastructure devastated and more than 20 million dead, Soviet Union would have been more than happy to protect communism at home and was not in a position to export it. United States however was still strong and had come out of the War even stronger, and was in a position to strengthen its sphere of influence. The responsibility of originating the Cold War thus fell in the lap of United States and Britain and Soviet Union was not much far behind as discussed below. It is also important to recognize that due to the vast differences in the operating systems of the Soviet Union and United States, the Cold War was inevitable and tracing its origin to prevent a future Cold War is not the lesson we can possibly learn from the history. Even the end of the Cold War has not meant peace and tranquility for the world, and it seems that until one power can have total supremacy with subjugation to the desire of the almighty superpower, wars of one kind or other will continue.

Friday, September 20, 2019

Impact of Ash Cloud on British Airways

Impact of Ash Cloud on British Airways INTRODUCTION Purpose: The purpose of this project was to analyse a current issue that has affected the current hospitality industry drastically. In the recent scenario, natural disaster has been seen to put a major impact on major hospitality industry .The main purpose of the task was to choose a situation of unavoidable circumstances, which could be either terrorism or natural calamity, that organisations have faced recently, and provide a solution of the situation recently faced. Scope: While investigating the current scenario, it was important to focus on the operation and functions of the company and how these operations got affected due these particular circumstances Method: The method used in this task, was through information gathered, mainly from the secondary sources such as business magazines and articles and some old news papers. Secondary sources came out to be very helpful in gathering the customer reviews and staff reviews who were affected by these circumstances Limitation: As every project work has some limitation. As an author, it would be imperative to mention the limitation of this task .The main limitation of the task was relying only on the secondary sources of the information as primary sources were meant to be more confidential by the company. I would consider this as a limitation as it is a belief that secondary sources always have some differences with the primary one. LITERATURE REVIEW By Peter Apps LONDON | Fri Apr 16, 2010 7:58pm EDT European fuel cost of jet marked degree of difference to ICE-traded gas oil contract went down to $ 0.50 on Thursday and $ 48 a metric ton on Friday. But forecasters said the enduring price effect would be least once flights recommence; most of the airline purchase is done through long-standing contracts. European gas, oil, gas electricity production is unexpected to be affected. Some PLANES FROM THE OIL RIGS COMMENCED ,BUT THE SOURCES SAID THAT THE IMPACT OF SOLAR POWER WOULD BE MORE RATHER THAN THE CLOUDS THAT ARE PASSING BY.ACCORDING SOURCES OF THE WIND INDUSTRY SAID THAT COLD DUST WOULD NOT CREATE PROBLEM FOR THE WIND TURBINES  · IMPACT ON HELTH World Health Organization warned the ash could create problems for them, who have breathing difficulties, though it did not still had assessed this sort of specific eruption. A respiratory disease Scottish expert said to Reuters that the less poisonous DUST THOSE WER DRIFTING AROUND UK WAS LESS LIKELY TO DO ANY BIG HARM BECAUSE TO HARM PEOPLE ,THE QUANTITY SHOULD BE EXTRA AGRICULTURAL AND CLIMATE IMPACT Scientists SAID THAT THIS ERUPTION DID NOT SEEM TO HAVE CREATED ANY MASSIVE DUST THAT WOULD IMPACT PEOPLE OR FARMING,BUT THEY WER BIT CONCERNED THAT A BIGGER ERUPTION FROM KATLA VOLCANOE WOULD BE DIFFERENT THING ALTOGETHER By Andrew Torchia) By Andrew Torchia) Near about 17,000 planes were LIKELY to be STOPPED FROM FLYING on Friday, with airdromes clogged across much of subcontinent. Shares in airlines fell between 2 to 4 percent. Ryanair said it may cancel planes to and from north European countries till GMT 1200 on Monday. The interruption is costing air industry in excess of $200 million a day, (Fraport AG), that operates Germanys major airport in Frankfurt, states its primary estimate was for the dust ash to incur it between 2.5 to 3 million Euros a day. Icelands position means the flare-up could prompt broader disturbances to international aeroplanes. Iceland falls in the right on one of the crucial routes between USA and the Europe and as per meteorological circumstances it might also affect aeroplanes from Europe to Asia, thats why there are 2 big global flows which might be affected by this, as said by John Strickland, who is director of consultancy of air transport( JLS Consulting). There could be still disturbances to other planes or might have to go for more indirect routes, which increases costs and maybe even require flights to land as it would not be possible to go through direct route. ALTERNATIVE TRANSPORTS Eurostar, that runs from London to other European continent, said railways were running at full capacity and it may lay extra trains if required. A taxi company of London Addison Lee said it took requests for travels to European cities Milan, Paris, Salzburg, Zurich and in Austria. IMPACT ON AIR CARGO Landed CARGO PLANES HAD TO STOP DELIVERY of stuffs such as microchips, vegetation and mails. Europes major express delivery dfirm Deutsche said it had to switch to roadways wherever it was possible. Clicking to sea cargoes would be an alternative for longer deliveries, though not for less life items such as flowers, but ship forecasters said it would probably take more days before companies started booking again by marine. Pharmaceutical equipment in particular is frequently transported by airway, but specialist forecasters said there were plenty stocks, therefore there should be no bigger shortages for that time. ENERGY JBC Energys replica for Europe jet fuel utilization puts daily expenditure at 1.17 million barrels in a day, so presuming an approximate 80 percent of Europes aerodromes were close for 48 hours, the interruption would have cut 1.87 mn barrels in demand Some demands may just vanish and those who have to fly will ultimately fly, but there will certainly be some planes that just dont take place, as said by JBC Energy fuel forecaster David Wech. european oil prices of jet went dowm from $48 to $50.50 on thursday ,but the analyst told that future impact would only be less and as soon as the fligths will resume ,it will do fast recovery. ACCORDING TO THE SOURCES FULES AND GAS PRICES WERE LESS LIKELY TO SUFFER.ALSO THE SOURCES SAID THAT SMALL HELICOPTERS COMING AND GOING FROM THE OIL RIGS ALSO COMMENCED IMPACT ON INSURANCE Airlines are believed to have less recourse to insurance companies. Most of the airlines are nor insured next to cancellations nor commerce trouble at aerodromes. Munich Re said it might offer cessation insurance to air companies if essential. Till now there hasnt been any demand in market, as said by a spokeswoman.Perhaps that will change at this time. Iceland volcano Ash cloud: airline passengers face further misery    Image  1  of  5 The cloud has caused massive disruption to European airspace.  Photo: AP Iceland volcano Ash cloud: airline passengers face further misery    Image  1  of  5 Passengers face further disruption as airlines struggled to change flight plans.  Photo: AFP/GETTY Iceland volcano Ash cloud: airline passengers face further misery    Image  1  of  5 They receieved good news, however, after the High Court outlawed further strikes by BA workers.  Photo: AP Iceland volcano Ash cloud: airline passengers face further misery    Image  1  of  5 The airline has been hit by the wave of industrial action.  Photo: PA By Andrew Hough, David Millward and Caroline Gammell 8:15AM BST 18 May 2010 Postponements were still expected at aerodromes throughout the country in spite of a last minute slab being placed on manufacturing action intended by BA crew strike and an repair of aviation no flying regulations to decrease future airline closures caused by Icelands Eyjafjoell eruptions. Official staffs admitted disruption would possibly carry on for the majority of the week. Airlines were struggling a lot to return timetable to normal after cloud of thick ash gist over the continent, shutting major aerodromes and making more than 1,000 planes to be negated. Airlines, that have incurred millions of money due to the ash alertness, criticised Mondays shutting of airports and criticise the replica used to forecast the spread of the volcanic dust as obsolete and out of place. Executives act in response with rage to what they disagree were unnecessary limitations introduced by over watchful security watchdogs. British Airways CEO Willie Walsh directed the disapproval, labelling limitations as a gross over response to a very slight risk. Experts told that the volcano, which lasted month, resulted most of Europes aerodromes to be close down for one week, has released massive quantity of ash dust, which can block jet engines, as it began to explode one month ago and cautioned that there was no finish to this in sight. Last months eruption strained many countries in north Europe to close their aerodromes, making in excess of 100,000 flights to land and an approximate 10 million explorer globally. The (IATA), the international airline industry branch forecasted that last months closure was Europes major since 2nd World War cost transporters in excess of  £1.1 billion. The latest outbreak strained Londons airports to close for 6 hours on Monday, leading to lots of postponements and score of aeroplanes in the incorrect place. Near about 200 flights were abandon at Heathrow, 88 in Gatwick and 40 in Liverpool airport. And also 50,000 passengers were stranded. Aerodrome official cautioned travellers it may take time for aeroplanes to clear the log jam of postponed flights and recommended them to get in touch with their airlines before leaving for the airport. After a day of confusion, passengers afterwards received a twofold dose of positive news after the Court banned the back-to-back agitation by cabin crew of BA while the Civil Aviation Authority (CAA) distorted its criterion for allowing aircraft to take off. The court decision came very late for BA to re-establish its full flying timetable at Heathrow that had been interrupted earlier in the day by the ash dust. In spite of the High Court ban, British Airways confessed that planes will still be affected for the whole of the week The airline industry has been anxiously trying to restore the 80 small haul and 30 lengthy haul planes from Heathrow which faced curtailments had the strike went further ahead. One spokesman for the airline industry told half of small-haul and 40 % of lengthy-haul services from Londons may be affected as it was too late to restore a overall service. He told that its function, however, was thought to return to usual by the end of week. The verdict was a enormous relief for the industry which told the court that as it had planned for five-days strikes, it would have coasted the airline industry £138 million. Union representing BA crew, prepared to plea against the ban which stopped strike action planned by 1000 of members in the acidic row over employment, staffing and pay levels. The ruling came as the CAA proclaimed that it had formed a new limited time zone to allow specific aircraft to go through a bigger density of dust than previously allowed. The change that came into effect at noontime on Tuesday would not only have an effect on Flyby initially, but other airline industry is believed to follow. Once producer and airline companies have offered a joint safety case which gives a proof that they can go through the dust ash without harm, they will be permitted to fly. As a consequence of this alter, there are no forecasted limits on UK air in the instant prospect, said Richard Deakin, the CEO of Nats, the traffic control company. The CAA blamed the Met Office for the newest close down. The Met Office replica was forecasting ash which wasnt there when the check flights were done, a spokesman from CAA said We have enquired the Met Office as to why their forecasted model showed a thing that was not consequently backed up. The Met Office backed up its computer system, insisting it was assisted by imagery of satellite, observation, laser checks of the ash in the environment and other proof from test planes. It said the dust was over South East but not in the levels that ground aircraft The amount of ash is uncertain on an hourly base. The circumstances are very runny, a spokesman said to the Daily Mail. In Iceland in the meantime, there have been no signal of the volcano ending. Experts told that the Eyjafjoell flare-up, which started on April 14, have shaped up thrice, with the newest surge of movement coming Friday in April. from the starting of the outbreak, they predicted that 250 million cubic metres of tephra (ash and other fragmental material) has been formed, as said by Iceland geophysicist Magnus Tumi Gudmundsson. The civil protection of Iceland agency told that the ash cloud was travelling to the north and wasnt expected to drift to Europe in coming two days May2010 by Andrew Hough, David Millward and Caroline Gammell CASE STUDY ON BRITISH AIRWAY (April 16, 2010) Steve Rothwell and Sabine Pirone On April 16 (Bloomberg) British Airways and Virgin Atlantic Airways Ltd. and cargoes that depend on lengthy -haul business tour for earnings would be worst-hit by the close down in air travel affected by the outbreak of the Icelandic volcano. Airline companies may incur $1 billion loss, if ash cloud keeps the European airports closed the weekend, the central for Asia Pacific Company said. British Airways, which earns daily revenue of near about 24 million pounds ($37 million), halted all planes today as U.K. aerodrome was confined until 1 a.m. tomorrow least. Airline industry will have to incur their major losses in the trans- Atlantic business-passenger group, Ashley Steel, Global Chair for Transport and Infrastructure at KPMG, said in a conference. For airline like BA, every day as their plane being grounded will likely to incur millions of money. The effect on economy-class sales is likely to be weakened because persons will be changing their bookings and ultimately still fly. The ash cloud from the Icelands Eyjafjallajà ¶kull volcanoes roofed parts of Britain, Germany, Norway, Ireland, Sweden, Finland, Belgium, Netherlands Russia this morning and afterwards glided over France, Poland Czech Republic. Its estimate to reach Switzerland, Austria and Hungary by midnight, according to U.K. Meteorological Official data. 6 million passengers could have been affected if closures extended to April 18.. Business Trips British Airways, which is the No. 1 transporter in the market of north Atlantic including planes between London to New York, was prone to undergo loss most from the interruption because of its dependence on traveller making trips of business that cannot be rescheduled. U.Ks top. Billionaire Richard Bransons Virgin Atlantic, which is the largest long-haul competitor to British Airways at Heathrow Airport, would have also lost revenue that would have been doubtful to be recovering, as said by KPMGs Steel. Coach class travellers and all those flying with the discount air buses on vacation or may be to visit friends, family were more likely to rearrange their journeys, she said. British Airways and the Virgin Atlantic said it will be very early to provide an approximation for the cost of the interruption. They said We arent giving any direction on the cost incurred at this moment, BAS spokeswoman Cathy West told in a phonic interview. We have got no clue when it is going to finish yet. The Virgin spokeswoman Anna Knowles told the Crawley, which is an England- based company, that virgin is concentrating on getting process up the operation and the running and that it is impossible to put figure on loss till now. Never Return Lots of BA and the Virgin passenger goes for top cabins and these people are travelling on totally -refundable tickets, said Steel. Most of the money will not return to them as passengers will just not go for rebooking the berths. The closedown could also tilt the balance for unbeneficial SAS AB, the current owner of Scandinavian Airlines, were one of the first flights to scrap planes as the cloud swept over Norway, Sweden , Denmark, as Steel said. Competitor Nordic carrier Finn air told that the languishness is incurring it 2 million Euros ($2.7 million) in a day. The carrier had to cancel 435 flights so far, and affected 54,000 travellers. SAS plans to approximate volcano-related expenses by April 19, Sture Stoelen, head of investor relations, told by telephone. Its complex, Stoelen said. Were losing revenue but also saving on operating costs, but then there are other costs for hotels and so on. The ash cloud has interrupted flying just like European carriers moved to hectic and more well-paid summer schedules, said Yan Derocles, who is an analyst at Oddo Securities Paris.   Ãƒâ€šÃ‚  Ãƒâ€šÃ‚  Ãƒâ€šÃ‚  This is the most busiest time for airline industry, specially on North Atlantic direction, . Derocles said that the leading names will be losing 40 million to 60 million Euros in a day. Physical Damage Airline industry insurance strategy wont normally pay out unless theres a damage to the equipment, as said Alexandra Lewis, who is a spokeswoman for London-based Benfield branch of Aon Corp., which is the worlds biggest insurance broker. Insurers cover up business disruption only if bodily damage is the cause for it, as said Richard Manson, a spokesperson for the manufacturing insurance unit of Munich-oriented Allianz SE, continents major insurer. Thats why they did not anticipate claim from clients which included airline industry as well aerodrome. The closedown is likely to incur aviation industry near about 0.25 percentage of their yearly income per day as said by Joe Gill ,who is an analyst in Bloxham securities at Dublin that covers firms like Ryanair Holdings Plc, EasyJet Plc, which is continents two major low fare carriers. The aviation industry will be clawing back good amount of money by looking for to increase give up a measure of prices of tickets as demand rushes in the immediate consequences of the airport shut downs. The largest expenses will be for re-booking and re-funding travellers, MR Manson said, with income losses partly offset by petroleum savings. Airline industry will be losing a combined billion $2.8 in 2010 following an approximate billion $9.4 increasing loss previous year, as predicted by the International Air Transport previous month. With support from Robert Fenner in the Melbourne, Oliver Suess from Munich, Crowley at London. And the Editors: Chris Jasper and Kenneth Wong. Adapted from the editorials of Steve Rothwell, London at [emailprotected]; Sabine Pirone, London at [emailprotected] The editors responsible for this story adapted: Kenneth Wong at [emailprotected]; Benedikt Kammel at [emailprotected] Company overview COMPANY FINANCIAL OVERVIEW British Airways is among the worlds leading listed finest international airline company. The organisation chiefly operates in the Europe and US. This organisation has headquarters in Harmondsworth, in the UK and employs 41,494 staffs. The company has recorded earnings of GBP 7,994 million equivalent to $12,761.1 million) throughout the fiscal year ended March 2010 -(FY2010), a diminish of 11.1 percent as compared to the FY2009.The functioning loss of the corporation Was GBP 231 million equivalent to $368.8 million as during the FY2010, compared to the functioning loss of GBP 220 million ($351.2 million)in the FY2009. The net- profit was GBP 182 million -$290.5 million as in FY2010, compare to net loss of GBP 1,360 million (USD 2,171 million) in FY2009. History The foundation of British Airways runs equivalent to the history of civil airline industry in the globe. On the August of 25, 1919, The British Airways predecessor company The Aircraft Transport and Travel commenced the worlds first every day international planned air service running between London to Paris. In March 31, 1924, UKs four airline company Inston and Handley Page Transport, and Daimler Airways and British Air Marine Navigation fused to form the Imperial Airways Ltd. About this time, a quantity of small UK air companies also had started their functioning. All these combined in 1935, to shape the new private owned BA Ltd. During 1939 November, UK Government made Imperial Airways along with British Airways nationalised, to give ascend to the beginning of the British Overseas Airways Corporation. After the Second World War, The BOAC sustained to function lengthy-haul services, whilst other international l European and local flights were runned by a novel airline company, British European Airways Corporation (BEA). On 1972, BOAC and the BEA were merged under the new created British Airways Board. Afterwards, the separate airline companies were fused to shape British Airways, on 1974. Privatization With a vision to switch British Airways to private high revenue making Airline Company, late Lord King supposed the situation of its president, in 1981. After which he selected Colin Marshall as CEO of the airline company. The arduous efforts of King and CEO ultimately made the massive loss making Airline Company to one of the major profit earning air planes in the globe. Consequently, the airline company said itself as The Worlds much-loved Airline Company, in that time when other big airline company suffered to set up their place in the civil airline industry. The airline companys image was transformed under the leadership of king. Ultimately, this resulted to the British Airways privatisation, in the year 1987. Fleet and S Destination The British Airways has a up to date fleet which has average age of 9 years. It includes of near about 228 aircrafts, including Airbus (A319), Airbus (A320-200), Airbus (A321-200), Boeing (737-400), Boeing (747-400), Boeing (757-200), Boeing (767-300ER), Boeing (777-200) and Boeing (777-200ER). Currently, the British Airways travels to 6 local places and in 143 intercontinental places in 69 countries, which includes six continents around the world. , British Airways to Delhi and Mumbai, Chennai, Bangalore and Hyderabad. Effect of ash cloud on British airways (based on the guardian report) As per the report British Airways said the confusion caused by the air travel ban across much of continent is incurring between 15m to  £20m in a day and that it will be looking for reimbursement from EU and UK government. Travel operator, the Tui Travel approximated its expenses at GBP 5m AND  £6m per day whilst budget plane service Easy Jet had put its expenses at GBP 5m per day. The Shares in airline companies and the holidays companies Around the Europe struggled with quick falls in stock market places as the interruption intensified. CEO of BA Willie Walsh told: This is an unparalleled situation which is having a enormous impact on travellers and airline companies alike. They told that they carry on offering enormous support to their customers. Though, these are unexpected conditions that are beyond all airline companies hold. To help us with these circumstances, The European airline industry has enquired EU and country governments for monetary compensation for the shutting of airplanes. There is a reason for this to happen as reimbursement was paid after the shutting of US airplane subsequent terrorist incidents of 9/11 and obviously the effect of the current circumstance is more significant. The BA shares were among the major fallers in FTSE 100, plummeting just above 3% to-227p. Travel group the Thomas Cook was downwards 4..5 percentage at 249.8p and the easy Jet shares were slated by 5% at 545p and the Tui tour went down almost 4% to 280.4p. British Airways said it has important financial support available to it to maintain a substantial period of shutting of the UKs air industry. In the beginning of the fly limitations on 14 April, it was having above  £1.7bn of hard cash and near about more than GBP 400m in on hand credit line, it can sustain if necessary. It told passengers, those booked to journey on cancelled planes can claim a full reimbursement or book again their journey afterwards. Tui, which is the company at the back of Thomson Holidays and the First Choice, said it is going in loss between 5m to  £6m per day as of the flight prohibit. The interruption resulted from the dust erupted from the Icelands Eyjafjallajokull eruptions has already incurred the holiday agents GBP 20m, and also it said that near about 100,000 of its passengers are stranded globally, and it is not able to fly them home whilst European airlines remains shut down.As for the organisation, this is a phase of somewhat low vacation programmes, but the interruption to our plan will still have a monetary impact, it told. The concern said it provided appropriate help to passengers jammed in their holiday places. Passengers who cant start their vacation because UK aerodromes have been stopped while late last week was been given the option of a recompense from the Tui, or scheduling their trip again .Near about 90 percentage of UK consumers had opted to rebook. Tui also added that it had been working with other dealers and airline companies in a belief that regulators allow the recommencement of flights as early as possible. Tui reported previous month to that it was considering a revival in customer demand as the summer business period comes near. In the previous financial year it made a fundamental profit of GBP 366m, from income of  £13.8bn. Discussion As we can see that natural calamities are unpredictable, and cost millions to the companies which depends on weather .In the case of British airways we can see that ash cloud was, such a calamity which coasted not only British airways in millions ,but other airlines too. Particularly in the case of British airways, we can see that, it incurred heavy losses. According to the report by Rob Hull as stated in share prices .com Share prices in the air industry rose late in the market to a close price of 235p after information reports recommended operations from main airports may be backed up and operating at some point . In spite some planes were able to go further on Tuesday morning from north UK aerodromes, The British Airways had to land all of their short haul flights for the 6th successive day because of uncertainty hovering the latest volcanic ash dust. Because of which, BA share drowned again to a low down of 229.30p currently with current prices at 09.15 being 230p and 0.73 % down, with forecasted sum losses 15m to GBP 20m per day for group. British Airways told in the statement former that morning: that they were preparing to function short haul planes scheduled to leave from 7pm, which was later cancelled. They told that they are still hopeful to run long haul planes which were planned to leave after 4pm, Tuesday 20th April, though these leftovers subject to the whole and permanent start of air planes. Another report regarding the possible re-opening of aerodrome from National Air Traffic Service which was due at 15:00 that day with NATS sustaining close contact with the Metrological Office concerning the state of British airdrome. And as they headed to the sixth day of cancelled flights, airplanes and travel companies have reportedly turned to Government for the deals. According to the reports, Travel TUI was GBP 20m downwards with every day bills going up to GBP 6m, Easy jet also lost a sum of GBP 40m until now and the Thomas Cook was supposed to have lost  £7m . All the four groups including British Airways had approached Government for recompense for these enormous losses. Though, Easy jet and the Thomas Cook organisations along with Ryan air were in soptimistic province , with FTSE 100 0.36 % upwards in all 09:40 ,Tuesday ,20th April. TUI share cost, like British Airways , were still downwards but the company had disclosed information by saying that it intends to increase near about 500m of fresh financing through convertible bond and also added bank services. Therefore we can see that, whereas short haul airways such as Ryan air and easy jet were not so much affected by the ash cloud, British airways and Virgin airways, which are basically long haul airlines were heavily affected by this calamity (April2010)RobHull [Adapted from] April 2010, Business week : uffer-most-from-ash-cloud.html A final thought In a final thought we can say that natural calamities are unstoppable and, companies relying on it has to frame additional plans that can help cope up with busy and anxious situations like this .In the case Of British Airways and Virgin Atlantic, It would be a suggestion to plan with government authorities and financial institutions to safeguard heavy loss during this type of situations

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Creationism Essay -- essays research papers fc

In a typical American high school, Mr. Doe, the science teacher begins his discussion on the theory of evolution. John, a student opposes the idea the humans came from apes and evolved. John believes that men came from God and that man was created in 6 days. Jane hears this and argues against John, â€Å"How could anything possibly be created in 6 days? This sort of project would take millions of years!† By using up all 45 minutes of class time discussing creationism and evolution, this is a metaphor to the eternal debate as to the origin of the human species. The question of how man came into existence is one of the great debates of this century. There is not enough evidence to support creationism, yet there is even less to support evolution.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The controversy on the origins of life is still hotly debated to this day. The origins of life can be conceived from the theory of evolution or the theory of creationism. The argument is old earth [evolution] versus young earth [creationism] (Seely 2). An astounding 95% of Americans believe in God or a universal spirit, as compared to the 9% who conclude not to have a religion at all (Sheler 2). People have geared towards a more eclectic background on their â€Å"spiritual journey to meet our own personal need† (Sheler 2). Throughout history, humans have been through a gradual accretion rather than one â€Å"sporadic event† after another (Tattersal 58). It is only in the United States that this debate is such a conflict. Humans have an impulse to look unto a higher being rather than a human leader who has faults similar to their own. The higher being [God] should be one of pure perfection. It is the development or creation of man which is what is so intriguing, it is the mystery of man. As individuals and as a whole, people tend to get uneasy between their â€Å"religious compulses and our [their] unwavering commitment to a secular society† (Sheler 1). As a contradiction within itself, â€Å"we [humans] profess fidelity to traditional morality yet champion individual freedom and resist religious authoritarianism† (Sheler 1). Our own manifestations of how we originated and where we came from, the debate of â€Å"the chicken or the egg† is just blurred by the ambiguities between creationism and evolution. Was it the egg? If so, where did the egg come from? Eggs come from chickens, but then where did the chicken come ... ...act that we come from something and somewhere, it’s just the fact that we are searching for answers. Works Cited â€Å"Creationism.† World Book Encyclopedia. Vol. 4, 1994:1123. â€Å"Evolution.† World Book Encyclopedia. Vol. 6, 1994:436-443. Graham, Charlotte. â€Å"The Eternal Debate.† SIRS. ar†¦&type=ART&sound=no&key=CREATIONISM. 22 Oct. 1994:1-3. Gould, Stephan Jay. â€Å"Nonoverlapping Magistera.† SIRS. ar†¦&type=ART&sound=no&key=CREATIONISM. March 1997:1-8. Marlantes, Liz. â€Å"The evolution of a controversy.† ProQuest.†¦&sid=1&1dx=25&Deli=1&RQT=309&Dtp=1 23 Dec. 1999:1-2. Onken, Michael. â€Å"Physics.† Microsoft Explorer. 18 June 1996:1. Sagan, Carl. The Dragons of Eden : Ballantine Books, 1997. Sheler, Jeffrey L. â€Å"Spiritual America.† SIRS. ar†¦&type=ART&sound=no&key=CREATIONISM. 4 April 1994:1-10. Sullivan, Robert. â€Å"2000 Years of Christianity.† Life. December 1999:50-68. Tattersal, Ian. â€Å"Once We Were Not Alone.† Scientific American. Jan. 2000:56-62.

response to shrek the movie :: essays research papers

Film Response   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  It’s always hard to pick a single favorite movie, because there are so many good ones. If I had to pick a favorite it would be a toss up between Gladiator, and Old School. I have a hard time choosing between comedy, and action. I would have to say that Gigli staring Ben Affleck, and J-lo is the least favorite movie of mine. In my opinion Gigli had a bad plot, bad acting, and was to long. I recently have seen the Client which was writer by John Grissim. The Client was originally a book, and like a lot of his work was great. The Client had a great plot, and incredible acting. It’s easy to say I’m a movie buff I love to rent movies and go to the theater as much as possible. I recently stop renting movies, because the late fees were killing me, so my thing now is to just by the new releases I like. It just makes sense if you consistently have late fees it is cheaper to just buy the movie.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  My latest film experience was Shrek 2. Shrek 2 is a new release animation film. This is a great flick using the new state of the art animation. Shrek is not just a kid’s movie, but adults also find it funny. The movie is about an ogre named Shrek, who lives in a swamp. Shrek spent his whole life living in sham, because he was an ogre, and all the other creatures, and people felt threatened by him. Shrek meets a donkey played by Eddy Murphy, and they become friends. Later in the movie Shrek meets a beautiful princess named Fionia. Shrek, and Fionia fall in love, and go to ask for her father the king for his blessing in marriage. Instead they run into several problems the king does not approve of the marriage, and tries every thing in his power to separate them. The king opposed their marriage, because a princess can not marry an ogre, and live happily ever after... Shrek and Fionia are ugly green ogres who are constantly mistreated for their looks and race, but over come all the stereo types. Shrek teaches people not to judge other people by their race, color or looks. The movie has a great lesson to teach kids, but I know some adults that could benefit as well.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

History of the Marines Essay -- American History Military

History of the Marines What do Drew Carey, Gene Hackman, and Lee Harvey Oswald all have in common? They are all, The Few. The Proud. The Marines. Like these young men, many people after high school join one of the many branches of the military. From the U.S. Bureau of Labor, nine out of ten high school graduates go into the military. However with the Marine Corps being the smallest of the branches, only one-fifth of them become Marines. In 2006, according to the Recruit Depot Parris Island for Marines, 99.9% of the students there were high school graduates. Of the 4,420 recruits in 2006, the average age for a Marine was 19.6. Since the branches were formed, the Marine Corps has developed into a military branch that is greatly respected for its achievements and responsibilities. The Marines As A Whole Unquestionably, the marines were very basic and underdeveloped in their earlier days. The USMC, or better known as the United States Marine Corps, is one of the five main branches of the United States military. The Marines Corps started out being known as the Continental Marines ("United States Marine Corps" 4). The Continental Marines were born November 10, 1775 at Tin Tavern in Pennsylvania. Due to the act of July 11, 1798, the Marines were formed in place of them under the constitution. They were first formed because of America being in debt. At the time, the United States was in a naval war with France (Metcalf 343). The marines have many allies and foes throughout the branches of military. The United States Navy is said to be the "big brother" of the U.S. Marines out of the other military branches. Most of the support that the Marines get is from this fine group of men. Early marines served as gunners, mechani... ...g ("United States Marine Corps" 20). Since the day the Marines were formed, they have developed into a highly respected military branch, where they have accomplished many achievements and took on many responsibilities. The Marines have, and will always play an important role on how Americans fight in wars today. With all the help the United States gets from the Marines, it helps guide troops through ferocious battles like many they have gone through but faster and with more force. There are many famous and infamous people out in the world that served a good purpose fighting and helped them get where they are today. Last and foremost, the Marines take on far more responsibility than people can accredit for. Many people should be grateful for what they have because if it wasn't for, the few, the proud, the Marines, they might not have made it to where they are today.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Cultures in apa style Essay

As businesses become global, limitations between cultures and environments crumbled little by little. However, within the vastly developing globalization, business observers discovered many ‘unpredictable’ phenomena. These phenomena come to the scope of observation, only after globalization is widely accepted by firms all over the world. One of these phenomena is the success of corporations from unfamiliar cultures, which were previously never expected to generate notable business growth or extraordinary innovation. Some of those companies are IKEA, Volvo, Electrolux, Scania, Hennez and Mauritz, etc. All of these mentioned corporations are Swedish in origins. Nevertheless, there are also significant developments displayed by those cultures which are predicted to dominate future global markets, like the Chinese market. The Chinese business culture and the Swedish business culture represented two different business cultures in terms of common expectations. The Chinese culture has been long predicted to be one of the fastest growing economies in the world due to the size of its markets. The Swedish culture on the other hand, represented a culture which is not predicted to become one of the dominant players in the global economy. In this paper, I am comparing these two business cultures in order to discover their differences and similarities, and thus understanding the origins of their competitive advantages. The comparison between the two cultures will be performed by observing studies that have been previously published and professional websites that develop business guidance to foreign countries. The comparison between the two cultures will be performed by comparing these specific traits, which are: decision and deal-making, conversation, making appointments, perspective regarding profit. 2 Discussions If we are using a specific research method, then within this paper, we are using the qualitative research method, in the sense that the research will not involve numbers and other objective measurements and the results will not be simply defined. In a qualitative research, the purpose is not to generalize an answer to other circumstances, but merely answering a specific question within a specific condition and context. Thus, the answer would be in the form of deep and meaningful explanations and contains discussions that would generate bias if the readers are not diligently capturing the context. As mentioned previously, the comparison between the two cultures will be based on specific traits, which are: ? Decision making ? Business culture ? Perspectives ? Authority ? Implementation of Regulations ? Leadership ? Cultural Context 2. 1 Similarities Both the Swedish and the Chinese culture treat outside information very cautiously. Nevertheless, after proven that the information and the person or the organization providing that information is reliable, than the person or the organization will most likely by a long-time friend of the company. In terms of relationship with the government, both cultures have high respect toward the authority of their government. Thus regulations are highly respected in both countries. Another similarity is the tendency to preserve the dignity of others by avoiding conflict as much as possible 2. 2 Differences 2. 2. 1 Decision Making In terms of deal and decision making, the Chinese people have a weaker respect toward the language English compare to the Swedish. Swedish businessmen generally speak English and ones that do not have the capability to speak English are considered lacking a competitive advantage. In China however, such a perspective has weak powers or even the perspective does not exist at all. Thus, businessmen generally bring an interpreter to China to prevent conversational stuck during negotiations or lobbying. In Sweden, due to the fact that most of their end-customers are American in nationality, English is accepted as a language of business conversation (Alexander, 2006; Bary, 2005). 2. 2. 2 Business Culture Another reason that adds to the importance of taking into account of cultural characteristics of a country is the issue of communication. Different cultures have different styles of business communication. For instant, western managers are generally recognized in their expertise for assembling words. Western managers are generally more talkative than any other. On the other hand, managers from Asian countries do not share the same trait. They prefer actions rather than words. If they choose to say anything, it would generally be short and to-the-point (‘American-Japanese’, 2005). Other communication differences might lie in body languages like nodding, smiling and other manners of speaking and listening. Managers of eastern countries generally have a unique manner of speaking and listening. American managers unaccustomed with these differences usually find it hard to comprehend the meaning of each gestures. Furthermore, politeness in some cultures might involve reversing the meaning from ‘yes’ to ‘no’ or the opposite. In regard of the importance of communication in the business realm, understanding these differences is an important requirement of a good manager. Another cultural aspect that created the differences of managing in different regions is the issue of gender. Surveys indicated that American companies are more liberal in nature, where women had more access to managerial positions rather than any Asian companies like Japanese or Chinese that just performing programs that encourage female leaders to take their stand (Japan’s, 2005). In addition, the Chinese business culture is also very much hierarchical. In a sense, they prefer that people respect them in accordance to their position within an organization. Thus, businessmen promoting a product or an agreement must generally performed presentation in different levels of the organization. In Sweden on the other hand, such a troublesome process is most likely avoided. Business presentation is generally performed only once or twice because all officers from different levels within an organization do not have problems with sitting side by side to each other (‘Making Appointments, 2008). 2. 2. 3 Perspectives Chinese people tend to make decisions using subjective point of view and personal feelings. This is the common design of a high context organization, where respect and unwillingness to confront with leaders slow down quality development. In Sweden on the other hand, decisions are made by both objective and subjective point of views and using both rationality and intuition, however, the basic difference is that the Swedish culture does not have a value of high respect toward leaders that will hamper democracy or objective considerations of the fact (‘Background to Business in China’, 2008). 2. 2. 4 Authority Despite having the same feeling of respect toward the authority of their government both cultures implement their regulations in different intensities. In order to suppress corruption that has been plaguing the country several decades in the past, the Chinese government decided not to go half way in punishing people who broke Chinese business laws. Some punishments are even performed in public to prevent similar occurrences. That is why there is a saying in China that most companies in China use logic, evidence and common sense, only if they do not contradict with the government’ doctrines and rules. In Sweden however, even though the regulations about breaking business laws are clear, the implementation still much ‘softer’ that it is in China (Alexander, 2005; ‘Chinese Deal Making’, 2008). 2. 2. 5 Implementation of Regulations In terms of decision making, the Chinese business culture generally recognize a collective decision making process. The leader will only be decisive and harsh in implementation the collective decision. Before any decision has been made, Chinese leaders have only a slightly higher decision making power compare to their subordinate. Nevertheless, even though the decision has been approved collectively, individuals within the group are still held accountable for his/her suggestions. In the Swedish culture on the other hand, 2. 2. 6 Leadership Leaders in China are meant to lead and even though they have the full right to punish their subordinates, they are expected to take full responsibilities when facing a higher authority. In Sweden on the other hand, leaders are not meant to tell people what to do, they meant to listen and than decide based on the collective decision. This example can be discovered in many types of organizations in Sweden. Even in the sport environment, a Sweden trainer would understand that his/her job is to work with the athlete and performing the trainings his/her way. On the other hand, a Chinese trainer might be furious if the athlete refuses to follow any of his/her orders Gernet, 1996). 2. 3 Cultural Context As mentioned previously, the China business culture is actually a high context culture, in which people are accustomed to be very subtle and shoring very little emotion when expressing a rejection, or a new claim. Sweden on the other hand, is basically a low-context culture, in which managers would prefer that every managerial activity is performed as informal as possible. Not like the United States however, in Sweden people strive more to avoid looking as an individual person, although he/she might have great ideas, it is till the collective thought that would prevail in most meetings. 3 Conclusion According to the previous researches, Sweden and China has quite huge differences, mainly in how they perceive the role of the authority and leaders. Further studies are required to understand the true correlation between these differences and business development in the future. Bibliography Alexander, John. 2006. Swedish Message. Retrieved August 21, 2008 ‘American-Japanese Communication 101’. 2005. WIN Advisory Group. Retrieved August 21, 2008 from http://www. winadvisorygroup. com/AmericanJapaneseComms101. html ‘Background to Business in China’. 2008. World Business Culture. Retrieved August 21, 2008 from www. glo-bis. com/china. htm Bary, Theodore de. â€Å"†Constructive Engagement with Asian Values†Ã¢â‚¬ . Archived from the original on 2005-03-11.. Columbia University. Chinese Business Deal Making. Nd. Los Angeles Chinese Learning Centers. 2008 Retrieved August 21, from chinese-school. netfirms. com/deal. html Gernet, Jacques. A History of Chinese Civilization. 2. New York: Cambridge University Press, 1996. ‘Making Appointments’. Nd. Los Angeles Chinese Learning Centers. 2008 Retrieved August 21, from chinese-school. netfirms. com/deal. html

Monday, September 16, 2019

New Jersey Revenue Reform

In his State of the State speech, Governor Corzine identified five broad areas of revenue reform in New Jersey, i.e., pensions and benefits, shared services, debt reduction, modernization of the tax structure, and sustainability.   The centerpiece of the direct property tax relief is the tax credits in the form of 20%, 15%, and 10%, depending on the amount of income per household.   Governor Corzine was explicit about this in his speech.He was equally explicit in stating that for the tax credit system to work, there must be a solid, concrete source of funding.   For this, he pointed out the sales tax revenues and the redirected homestead rebates will supply the first influx of financing.   As for the succeeding years, the balance is proposed to come from the following: 1) cost savings achieved through regular and independent auditing by a new, nonpolitical state comptroller; 2) consolidations and shared services; 3) collective bargaining on pension and health benefits; 4) ass et monetization designed to reduce the state's credit card payments and provide the capacity to make capital investments in the future of the state; and 5) 4% cap on the increase in the property tax levy, claimed to be the key for sustainability of the tax credit system.   Each of these is supposed to contribute to the sustainability of the reform program, with the cap and the credit working off each other to attain the goal.Reacting to the speech, Assembly Minority Leader Alex DeCroce stated that â€Å"sadly, after five years of Democrat control, the state of our state has never been worse.   The toxic mix of high property taxes, public corruption, a mountain of debt, wasteful state spending and anti-economic growth policies are making New Jersey unaffordable for middle class families† (The Associated Press 2007).Superficially, Governor Corzine’s recommendations seem to be nothing more than political grandstanding, since all 120 legislative seats are slated for el ections this year.   Clunn (2006) points out that in 2005, State House representatives promised to enact real property tax reforms by year-end of 2006, with no results.   The recommendations of the State House were effectively countered by the Governor’s apparent desire to negotiate benefits reforms rather than make tax cuts, something that the State House representatives endeavored to get approved for five months.Corzine’s actions since his election have lead to the creation of a blogspot on the internet, called NJ Fiscal Folly, where citizens voice out their criticisms against the Governor.   Many individuals reacted negatively to the raising of sales taxes from 6% to 7%, the refusal of essential state spending reforms, and the addition of $270 Million to the Governor’s already significant pork (NJ Fiscal Folly 2006).For the bloggers, â€Å"any talk about setting aside a portion of the tax increase is simply blather, nothing more than lipstick on the pi g† (NJ Fiscal Folly 2006).   More so when paired with the proposed alternative budget for 2007, which involved barely any spending cuts, save for a lower contribution to the pension system, and the Governor’s threat to shut down state government unless the legislature approves his proposed budget (NJ Fiscal Folly 2006).   The sales tax increase was supposed to supply $1.2 Billion in revenues for the government.There are a few people, however, that are trying to look past the politics and are objectively assessing whether or not the proposals are actually feasible or if they will produce the desired results.   Senator Gormley, a Republican, thinks that the speech given by the Governor gave a â€Å"matter-of-fact outline of what needs to be done†, but it remains to be seen whether or not it will be done (Rispoli 2007), since talk of revenue reform has been just that, talk, for the past half a decade, with New Jersey’s property tax reliance at double th e nationwide rate.   Hester (2007) reports that legislators are hoping to have the new tax system of property tax credits in place before the bills go out this summer, which are checks mailed to homeowners as tax relief.Others reacted more constructively to the Governor’s empowered speech, such as William G. Dressel, Jr. Executive Director of the New Jersey State League of Municipalities.   Dressel (2006) applauded some of the proposed reforms while rejecting others, but stated that the recommendations will â€Å"generally help to limit future pension and benefits costs.†After a preliminary analysis of the proposed recommendations, Dressel (2006) pointed out that there are certain things lacking therein which the special session needs to provide for, such as the burdensome relationship between the real property tax payers and the members of the Police and Firemen’s Retirement System, and the enforcement of the moratorium on new benefits.   Dressel (2006) r ejected outright the proposal to ban dual elective office holding and the tying a portion of property tax relief funding to adherence with the Efficiency Commission.He also commented that with respect to the original recommendation by the governor on shared services, there seemed to be a deviation in the course being taken by the special session.   He pointed out that thus far, there were no recommendations on debt reduction and no specific provisions for sustainability, and that the proposals to modernize the tax system were deficient in supplying a funding source for the changes sought, specifically the tax credit system reducing residential property taxes by 20%.Hester (2007) reports that this 20% cut would require $2 Billion per annum and be funded by money previously allocated for property tax rebates and sales tax revenue, with the government relying on the previous year’s excess sales tax revenue to serve as initial funding, but with the need to find $400 Million mor e each year to fund the tax cut past the current year.Caslander (2007) opines that with the proposed changes, New Jersey would be better of changing its name from the Garden State to the â€Å"Tax Capital†.   Treating the proposals as being analogous to â€Å"finding free cheese in a mouse trap†, Caslander (2007) believes that the solutions will alleviate the problem only for a short term, but that the problem will remain, and in effect, the current proposed solutions will only end up compounding the problem, because the solution involves granting tax relief now but providing for its funding later.Rebovich (2006), after the first special session, commented that perhaps an ideal real property tax reform program would involve an extension of the sales tax, an increase in income tax rates, and savings from benefit reductions, as in effect, the burden would be shared or distributed among different people, and the effects on business and the economy would not be so harsh. Considering that the Governor’s state of the state speech cannot be expected to expound completely the mechanics of the proposed reform, that could perhaps account for the lack of details as to how the proposed changes will work.   At first glance, the proposals seem to conform to Rebovich’s picture of what would be an ideal real property tax reform program to alleviate the current situation in New Jersey.   Both public and private sectors are affected, and it seems that the burden is spread out.   However, there are still many things that need to be addressed.For example, how exactly will the tax credit system work?   How much will it take to develop the system and install it in place of the current system?   How will the new system be funded in order to be put in place?   These questions are as important as determining where the funding for the credits themselves will be taken.   Without concrete plans for the working and implementation of the credit sy stem, it will definitely not work, and the reforms desired will not be attained.Also, what will be the cost of implementing a new system of auditing?   And what guarantee is there that the new state comptroller will be, as he is described â€Å"nonpolitical†?   What about consolidation and shared services?   The Governor stated that this area needs some review, but there must be a specific set of rules or criteria to help determine which areas or branches should be consolidated, and which should remain independent, as well as which particular services should be shared.   As for reduction of pension and health benefits, is there potential liability on the part of the state for those who claim a vested right to the value of the benefits they receive, especially with respect to pension and retirement benefits of those who have been receiving them for years?   Spreading the burden of paying for the proposed reforms is a good idea, but is it just?   What if the state e nds up spending more because of litigation?   Then the expenses would merely be redirected elsewhere, but the burden would still be heavy for a lot of people.   The idea of banning dual elective office holding is a good idea, whatever curtailing effects it might seem to have on the right of suffrage of the electorate.Public office is a public trust, and from the person in office should be expected no less than the duty of utmost fidelity and loyalty to the people he represents.   The tendency in holding dual offices is that the efforts of the public officer will be divided, and the quality of his services might be diminished.   As for Dressel’s arguments against the Efficiency Commission, perhaps a set of rules to govern the proceedings and determinations made by the Commission, as well as a mode of appeal or review of its determinations, would be enough of a safeguard against the danger of subjectivity pointed out.Objectively, the recommendations given are feasible, but more work needs to be put in fine tuning the plans and executing them.   The cooperation of everyone is needed; instead of blindly criticizing, constructive comments and active participation can make the proposals for reform work.Reference List:Dressel Jr., William G. Legislators Haven’t Gone Far Enough For Taxpayers. 23 November 2006. 12 January 2006. ;;Hester J., Tom.   Ã¢â‚¬Å"Corzine: Time is Now For Property Relief.† Courier Post Online.   9 January 2007. 12 January 2007. ;;The Associated Press. Reaction to Corzine’s Speech. 9 January 2007. 12 January 2007. ;;Rispoli, Michael. â€Å"Corzine Reiterates Need For Pension, Health Care System Reforms.† Courier Post Online. 9 January 2007. 12 January 2007. ; s.dll/article?AID=/20070109/NEWS01;Hester Jr., Tom. â€Å"Democrats See New Deadline for Tax Reform, Hope System Will be in Place Before Bills Go Out This Summer.† Daily Record. 11 January 2007. 12 january 2007. ;;Caslander, Thomas Paine. â€Å"New Jersey Should Change Its Nickname from the Garden State to the ‘Tax Capital’†.   10 January 2007. 12 January 2007.   ;;Clunn, Nicholas. â€Å"Hopes For Tax Reform Crashed and Burned.† Courier Post Online. 27 December 2006. 12 January 2006. ;;Blogger. NJ Fiscal Folly. 8 July 2006. 12 January 2007. ;;Rebovich, David P. Political Interests and Economic Reality Clash at Special Session. 2 August 2006. 12 January 2007. ;http://politics.nexcess. net/rebovich/2006/08/political_interests_and_econom.html;

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Counseling Case Study Essay

Introduction – Robert is a 46 years old high functioning male. He just recently got divorced and he self-referred himself for counseling. On the first session, he denied any of problems between him and his wife. He doesn’t seem painful about living away from his children. He didn’t describe well about his feelings and emotions. Therefore, we will mainly use Cognitive Behavioral Therapy. CBT builds a set of skills that enables an individual to be aware of thoughts and emotions; identify how situations, thoughts, and behaviors influence emotions; and improve feelings by changing dysfunctional thoughts and behaviors. Once he gets to know him better, he will see more improvement. Treatment Plan – Problem: 1. Lack of relationship with children 2. Have not notice the reasons about recent divorce 3. Avoidance, denial and isolation 4. Possibility of low self-esteem 5. Highly functional at work and outside the house only Goals: 1. Increase self-worth, self-value and self-image 2. Develop the ways to have fun 3. Recovery the relationship with ex-wife for himself and his children Plan: 1. Assigned homework – making plan for weekend activity 2. Develop a relationship with his children 3. Writing journal about his feelings 4. Self-evaluation(find what kind type of person, what he likes) Conclusion Divorce is 2nd stressful change in life.(1st is of Death of spouse) Client needs time for adjusting changes. Even though he is high functioning, he is having a hard time coping with his divorce that he claims was unexpected and  to him everything was fine. During this case study we came to an understanding on what he think is important and what he will be willing to work on. He will be given homework and will journal about his feelings, what he would like to improve and the type of relationship he wants to develop with his children. He will be given the proper tools on how to manage his coping skills and will learn to validate how hard his changes are going to be. We will monitor his progress and decide what type of adjustment is going to be needed for his recovery. Resource (Reference) Jeffery A. Cully, PH.D. & Andra L. Teten, PH.D. A Therapist’s guide to brief cognitive behavioral therapy Meeting with Military & Family Life Counselor â€Å"Dee Moriaty†