Saturday, September 28, 2019

A Report on Bluetooth Headset

Engineering product is the result of the technological advancements within the electronic domain. Bluetooth headsets are also one of these technological advancements (Abreu, 2015). The aims behind innovation of these kinds of electronic products are to make the usage of these products easier than the conventional usages of technology. This report is elaborating not only the usages but also the pros and cons of Bluetooth headsets with respect to its innovative features that have been developed for easier operation. Headsets are mainly used for hearing operations and Bluetooth headsets are nothing but an advanced version of this electronic element (Glezerman & Twina, 2013). First developed headset was used for only a radio that was designed in 1910. The mass production begins for the development of these headsets within the technological era. Next stages introduce the usages of headsets for the aviation industry (Hu et al., 2013). The pilots used these headsets in order to protect themselves from high ultrasonic sound waves. Plantronics MS-50 is the resulted headset that was designed at that time. After this inventions that changed the entire scenario of use of headsets needed to be innovated more in order to achieve more capability with the technological advancements (Hunt & Jacob, 2012). After this electronic development DSP series was introduced in order to provide more efficient features. After all of these inventions the in the year of 2001 Nokia HDW-1 was developed as the wireless headset (Mozer & Mozer, 2012). This incorporated many of the Bluetooth features in order to make the device more effective and compatible with the usages. This was the first invented Bluetooth headset that was invented for the ease of use. In addition to this, after this invention, in the year of 2003, Nokia again invented another model of Bluetooth headset (Ten Cate et al., 2015). This was named as Nokia HDW-2. This new gadget was exploiting the market in such a way that the users get benefitted from various purposes. According to the researches done on the Bluetooth Headsets, it is found that there are various advantages of these headsets (Abreu, 2015). There are more advantages of this electronic element than its disadvantages. These usages of Bluetooth Headsets are being elaborated in this part of the assignment: Hands free mobile phone usages: This is most effective uses of Bluetooth Headsets are that they can be used in order to make the mobile phone use easier than the conventional process of using this (Glezerman & Twina, 2013).  Ã‚   Wireless usages: In accordance with the above mentioned aspects and usages of mobile headsets, any device that needs hearing operation can be used and operated remotely in order to increase the convenience of the user. Automatic operations: Bluetooth Headsets make the operations easier i.e. it makes the system of using hearing device automotive (Hu et al., 2013). Therefore, all of these usages helps the device to be comfortable with the users and also provides effective features. Calling usages: Bluetooth Headsets can be used for calling purpose (Hunt & Jacob, 2012). Bluetooth headsets can be used in order to make calls in an automotive way that will be providing benefits to the users. There are various pros and cons of using Bluetooth headset within the domain of technological use of it (Mandala et al., 2014). In addition to this, these advantages and disadvantages are being elaborated with respect to its predecessors. These are explained as follows: Convenience of communication: With the help of Bluetooth headsets the convenience of communication is increased. Independent on wires: Bluetooth headsets are not dependent on the wire that makes it more compatible for usage (Mozer & Mozer, 2012). Multiuse facility: There are various elements that are inbuilt within the Bluetooth device and make its compact for usage. Affordable pricing: This electronic good don’t have high pricing and it’s reasonable for the users (Qu Zhang & Kim, 2015). Connecting feature: This electronic device is providing the highly efficient connecting feature to the users and with the help of this device any user can easily connect with their mobile phones and laptops that make it more compatible for being used (Ten Cate et al., 2015). Similar functionalities with other Bluetooth devices: In contrast with this aspect, the Bluetooth devices have certain features that are almost same for the Bluetooth headset also. This feature makes these devices more compatible for being use as a popular electronic device (Abreu, 2015). In spite of various pros there are various cons of Bluetooth headsets. All of these cons are being elaborated in this part of the report: Pricing: Most highly efficient Bluetooth headsets are not affordable; they have high range of price. Lower timber: This is most disadvantageous feature of Bluetooth headset (Glezerman & Twina, 2013). For having lower timber most of the music doesn’t use wireless Bluetooth headsets. Mono output feature: In contrast with the above disadvantages of Bluetooth headsets, these are available as the mono output (Hunt & Jacob, 2012). This aspect makes it less compatible. This characteristic creates problem for people who has hearing problems. Bluetooth Headsets are one of the most effective electronic devices that are manufactured or invented in order to reduce the effort and to make the operations easy. In this report, several usages, pros and cons of Bluetooth Headsets are elaborated. In contrast with these aspects, the history of innovation of Bluetooth Headsets has also been described with proper information in this report. Headsets are one very essential electronic device that is used many technical operations for hearing purposes. Bluetooth headsets are the improvised version of the headsets. With the help of this device, the users can easily make their operations easier. All of the usages mentioned in this report will be providing an overview of the usages of the Bluetooth device in the technical field. These helps in innovating many features of the headsets. Abreu, M. M. (2015).  U.S. Patent Application No. 14/594,118. Glezerman, A., & Twina, Y. (2013).  U.S. Patent No. 8,391,792. Washington, DC: U.S. Patent and Trademark Office. Hu, Z., Deng, X., Wen, H., & Guo, J. (2013). Bluetooth Signal Collector Research and Its Application in Pedestrian Traffic Survey. In  ICTIS 2013: Improving Multimodal Transportation Systems-Information, Safety, and Integration  (pp. 754-759). ASCE. Hunt, S. E., & Jacob, M. (2012).  U.S. Patent Application No. 13/353,145. Mandala, M., Colletti, V., Sacchetto, L., Manganotti, P., Ramat, S., Marcocci, A., & Colletti, L. (2014). Effect of Bluetooth headset and mobile phone electromagnetic fields on the human auditory nerve.  The Laryngoscope,  124(1), 255-259. Mozer, T. F., & Mozer, F. S. (2012).  U.S. Patent No. 8,099,289. Washington, DC: U.S. Patent and Trademark Office. Qu, L., Zhang, R., & Kim, H. (2015). High-Sensitivity Ground Radiation Antenna System Using an Adjacent Slot for Bluetooth Headsets.  IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation,  63(12), 5903-5907.

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