Monday, October 21, 2019

Free Essays on Descriptive Statistics

Descriptive Statistics Statistics are all around us in fact it would be difficult to go through a full week without using statistics. Imagine watching a basketball game where no one kept score. The action alone might provide adequate excitement to hold your attention for a while but think of all the excitement lost if winning and losing were not an issue. Without statistics we could not plan budgets, pay taxes, evaluate classroom performance, evaluate investments or enjoy games to their fullest. The most basic form of statistics is known as descriptive statistics. Descriptive statistics can be defined as those methods involving the collection, presentation, and characterization of a set of data in order to describe the various features of that set of data properly (Levine, Berenson &, Stephan, 1997, 5). This branch of statistics lays the foundation for all statistical data and knowledge. Learning descriptive statistics and using that knowledge can happen immediately not for the distant future. You can use them in physics class, history, English class, at the ball game, and in the grocery store. Most people do not even realize that they know more about statistics then what they think. The mode of a set of data is kind of like the center. For example, if you are looking at purchasing a new watch and while meandering around the store you notice a lot of watches with price tags of $75 on them. It is common for us to think that most watches in the store cost about $75. In this case what you are doing is getting the impression of the typical price of a watch based upon seeing all the $75 price tags. What you have done is experienced the use of mode. The most frequent or most common number in a set of numbers is called the mode. Did you know the word â€Å"mode† comes from the French meaning â€Å"fashion†? This makes sense; if particular brands of shoes are in fashion then it is usually the most purchased brand. 100, 100, 9... Free Essays on Descriptive Statistics Free Essays on Descriptive Statistics Descriptive Statistics Statistics are all around us in fact it would be difficult to go through a full week without using statistics. Imagine watching a basketball game where no one kept score. The action alone might provide adequate excitement to hold your attention for a while but think of all the excitement lost if winning and losing were not an issue. Without statistics we could not plan budgets, pay taxes, evaluate classroom performance, evaluate investments or enjoy games to their fullest. The most basic form of statistics is known as descriptive statistics. Descriptive statistics can be defined as those methods involving the collection, presentation, and characterization of a set of data in order to describe the various features of that set of data properly (Levine, Berenson &, Stephan, 1997, 5). This branch of statistics lays the foundation for all statistical data and knowledge. Learning descriptive statistics and using that knowledge can happen immediately not for the distant future. You can use them in physics class, history, English class, at the ball game, and in the grocery store. Most people do not even realize that they know more about statistics then what they think. The mode of a set of data is kind of like the center. For example, if you are looking at purchasing a new watch and while meandering around the store you notice a lot of watches with price tags of $75 on them. It is common for us to think that most watches in the store cost about $75. In this case what you are doing is getting the impression of the typical price of a watch based upon seeing all the $75 price tags. What you have done is experienced the use of mode. The most frequent or most common number in a set of numbers is called the mode. Did you know the word â€Å"mode† comes from the French meaning â€Å"fashion†? This makes sense; if particular brands of shoes are in fashion then it is usually the most purchased brand. 100, 100, 9...

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